Your 2020 Paddock Maintenance Calendar

Grass is the most natural and lowest cost feed for your horse. Here are some handy tips to make the most of your grazing all year round and provide your horse with a quality natural diet.


These are the worst of the winter months, the important thing at this time of year is to minimise the damage to your paddocks. Try to reduce the amount of poaching (wearing out of the grass) by not leaving your horse out too long. Keep poo picking your paddocks as poo left on the ground does restrict grass growth.


It is beneficial to harrow your paddock(s). Harrowing has the benefit of removing any dead grass and moss, aerating the grass and dispersing any poo heaps and mole hills. When the temperature starts to rise a quality fertiliser such as Suregrow Fertiliser should be applied. Fertilising replenishes the nutrients lost over winter and gives the grass the nutrients it requires to stimulate good growth. When there is no risk of frost paddocks can be rolled, there is little benefit to the grass, but rolling does make the paddock look better and it can flatten out divots and ruts. You don’t want to roll if the ground is too dry.

This is the time of year to repair or reseed your paddocks, the Suregrow range of grass seed mixes are blended specially for horse and pony paddocks. We have products to meet different situations such as reseeding, repairing heavily trafficked areas like as gateways and feeding areas, and a specialist Laminitic mix which produces lower soluble carbohydrate and sugar content grass.


Grass growth is at its greatest during May and June but be careful not to give your horse(s) too much fresh grass to avoid the risk of laminitis, if necessary strip grazing can be used. The benefit of Suregrow Fertiliser is that the slow release nitrogen produces a more sustained grass growth without the flush associated with traditional fertilisers. Weed growth will be strong at this time of year so it is the ideal time to carry out weed control which is usually done by spraying, be sure to follow all the instructions on any weed killers used.


These are the true summer months for all to enjoy, in periods of drought try not to overgraze your paddock(s). In very hot weather it is good practise to keep your horse inside during the hottest part of the day and turn out overnight. Poo picking is especially important as it will reduce the grass growing area, risk scorching the grass and will attract flies. Topping any excessive growth or seeded grass should be carried out, this can help stimulate growth.


This is the end of summer the days get cooler and there is usually an autumn flush of grass growth, giving your paddock(s) a top dressing of fertiliser will encourage this growth. The benefit of grass growth at this time of year is that the thicker and denser the grass is going into winter the better it will be protected over the winter. Reseeding and patching of bare patches can be carried out at this time.


This is the start of winter, try and protect your grassland as much as possible by not over grazing your paddock(s) and keep any poaching to a minimum. As always keep poo picking whatever the weather .