Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about our products or need expert advice on caring for your horse and pony paddocks, don’t hesitate to contact the Suregrow team.

What is the benefit of applying Suregrow Fertiliser in the autumn?

What is the best method of applying Suregrow Fertiliser?

What type of spreader would you recommend?

How is Suregrow Fertiliser different from agricultural fertilisers?

I have half a bag of Suregrow Fertiliser left from last year, will it still be ok to use now?

Why is potash not included in Suregrow Fertiliser?

How long should I keep my horses off the field once I have applied Suregrow Fertiliser?

Is Suregrow Fertiliser suitable for fields grazed by other animals?

How long after applying Suregrow should I see a difference in my grass?

I’m looking to apply Suregrow Fertiliser to my field but rain isn’t forecast, should I still apply?

Where can I buy your products?

Can I apply Suregrow Fertiliser to my hay fields?

Will Suregrow Fertiliser help to control buttercups?

Will Suregrow Fertiliser help to control clover?

I have ragwort in my paddock will Suregrow Fertiliser kill it?